Dao CPA, P.C. - Member of Accounting in a Box

R&D Tax Credit

Research and Development (R&D) tax credits can be used to lower federal and state income tax liabilities or offset a portion of payroll taxes. Qualified expenses for R&D activities may include wages, material costs, payments to contractors, payments to qualified education institutions.

R&D tax credit services are often performed by a team of scientists, attorneys and CPAs, who work alongside your CPA or Tax Preparer to identify and discover various tax credits and incentives that your businesses are eligible for. 

For this service, please fill out the Request a Quote or email us. We will then connect you with the appropriate professionals.


Did You Know?

Luca Pacioli (1447-1517), the wandering Franciscan monk and mathematician, completed his seminal work which was published in 1494, contained a section entitled “Details of Accounting and Recording” which was the system used in Venice at the time. This was the first known complete description of double entry bookkeeping.